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Recycling Dirty Oil Becomes Fuel

  • Indri Dayana Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Juliaster Marbun Universitas Sumatera Utara
Issue       Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE)
Section       Articles
Keywords: Oil Recycle Pollution Environment
Published 2018-12-17


Used oil is a waste of industrial activities that are often found in Indonesia and also in the world, (especially developing countries). So far the method of processing that is performed including the recycling and mixing the oil with hydrocarbons. This paper air-kan scene of Used Oil Waste becomes fuel Along population growth rate of the industrial sector was automatically increased rapidly. Examples of small scale car and motorcycle repair shop, and still a lot of waste that is dirty and notorious harm lingkungan.Oli motor vehicle after use surely will be replaced on a regular basis, having worn a lot of people or the mechanics experts, most of it carelessly discard oil. We need to know the oil may still be recycled in a deep black color and a distinctive odor. Since the number is arbitrary memebuang oil may cause environmental pollution, namely land and water. 1 liter of oil can ruin 1 million liters of water. This time also the crisis of fuel which makes us to be thrifty in its use. So in this case would discuss the processing of recycling used oil into fuel in a way that is simple and inexpensive.