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Efektifitas Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Discovery Terhadap Kemampuan Argumentasi Siswa pada Materi Laju Reaksi di Kota Jambi

Effectiveness of the Application of Discovery Learning Models to the Ability of Student Arguments in the Lesson of the Reaction Rate in the City of Jambi

  • Muhammad Haris Effendi-Hasibuan Universitas Jambi
  • Harizon Universitas Jambi
  • Ngatijo Universitas Jambi
  • Fuldiaratman Universitas Jambi
Issue       Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Talenta Conference Series: Science and Technology (ST)
Section       Articles
Keywords: Discovery Learning Direct Instruction Kemampuan Argumentasi Laju Reaksi
Published 2019-07-31


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektifitas penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif discovery terhadap kemampuan argumentasi siswa pada materi laju reaksi kelas XI IPA SMAN 8 Kota Jambi. Efektifitas diselidiki dengan membandingkan kemampuan argumentasi siswa pada 3 kelas berbeda yaitu kelas Discovery Learning (eksperimen I), kelas Direct Instruction berbasis diskusi (eksperimen 2), dan kelas ceramah (kontrol). Posttest Only Group design telah digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sebanyak 90 orang siswa telah dipilih secara random dan ditempatkan ke dalam 3 kelas tersebut. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan lembar observasi dan tes kemampuan argumentatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis statistika menggunakan SPSS 23 diperoleh bahwa ketiga deret data berdistribusi normal (p>0.05) dan homogen (p>0.05) dengan nilai rata-rata tertinggi untuk discovery learning (eksperimen 1) sebesar 75.2, diikuti oleh direct instruction berbasis diskusi (eksperimen 2)sebesar 73.0, dan direct instruction ceramah (kontrol) sebesar 62.6. Hasil uji One Way Anova dengan metode Tukey menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan kemampuan argumentsi antara kelas eksperimen 1 dan 2 (p>0.05) namun keduanya berbeda dengan kelas kontrol (p<0.05). Hasil uji tersebut parallel dengan hasil observasi yang menunjukkan bahwa kelas eksperimen 1 dan 2 melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan sangat baik (87,00%), dan baik (79,00%), sedangkan kelas kontrol melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan kualitas sedang (60%). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan argumentasi siswa dapat ditumbuhkan menggunakan model pembelajaran berkelompok namun tidak berhasil jika menggunakan model pembelajaran ceramah. Oleh karena itu, peneliti menyarankan agar guru menggunakan model pembelajaran berkelompok untuk melatih kemampuan argumentasi siswa dalam mata pelajaran kimia, termasuk IPA.

This research aimed at investigating the effect of implementation of discovery learning on students’ argumentation skill in the subject of chemical reaction rate by students of XI IPA SMAN 8 in Jambi city. The effectiveness was investigated by comparing the students’ argumentation skill in three different groups; these were discovery learning (experiment 1), discussion-based direct instruction (experiment 2), and lecturing-based direct instruction (control group). Posttest Only Group design had been utilized in this study and some 90 students had been recruited randomly and allocated in the three groups. Data was collected using observational sheets and argumentation tests. Based on the statistical analyses using SPSS 23 it was seen that the data was normal (p>0.05) and homogeny (p>0.05) by the highest mean for the discovery learning group (experiment 1) at 75.2, followed by the discussion-based direct instruction group (experiment 2) at 73.0, and the lecturing-based direct instruction group (control) at 62.6. One way Anova test by Tukey HSD showed that there was no difference between the experiment groups (p>0.05) but both were significantly different with the control group (p<0.05). Such results were parallel with the observation results showing that the students in the both experiment groups conducted the learning process at the high and good quality (87% and 79%), meanwhile those in the control group conducted the learning process at the moderate quality (60%). It can be concluded, thus, that students’ argumentative skill can be successfully nurtured using the cooperative learning models but little success using more traditional strategies. This is why science teachers are strongly recommended to use the cooperative learning models to enhance students learning outcomes in chemistry, including in science subjects.

How to Cite
Muhammad Haris Effendi-Hasibuan, Harizon, Ngatijo, & Fuldiaratman. (2019). Efektifitas Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Discovery Terhadap Kemampuan Argumentasi Siswa pada Materi Laju Reaksi di Kota Jambi. Talenta Conference Series: Science and Technology (ST), 2(2).