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Analisis Struktur Teks Prosedural pada Majalah Aramcoworld

  • Nazwa Mustika University of Sumatera Utara, 20155, Indonesian
  • T. Sylvana Sinar University of Sumatera Utara, 20155, Indonesian
  • T. Thyrhaya Zein University of Sumatera Utara, 20155, Indonesian
  • M. Yusuf University of Sumatera Utara, 20155, Indonesian
Issue       Vol 3 No 3 (2020): Talenta Conference Series: Local Wisdom, Social, and Arts (LWSA)
Section       Articles
Keywords: teks prosedur struktur teks prosedural majalah Aramcoworld
Published 2020-10-15


Artikel ini menganalisis struktur jenis dan fungsi teks prosedur yang terdapat pada majalah Aramcoworld edisi bulanan mei-juni 2019. Ketiga jenis teks prosedural, yaitu topic dan Statement of purpose, sequence of steps to accomplish the job stated in the topic, dan closing.  Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Instrument penelitian yang digunakan adalah tabel kerja teks prosedural mencakup jenis teks dan struktur teksnya. Hasil dari analisisnya ditemukan satu jenis teks prosedural di dalam majalah Arabcoworld yaitu teks resep Afro Steak. Pada teks pandunan terdapat struktur teks yang di dalamnya mengandung struktur tujuan, serta struktur langkah-langkah, dan pada struktur teks resep juga mengandung struktur tujuan, langkah-langkah ditambah dengan sruktur alat/bahan-bahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori linguistik fungsional M.A.K Halliday.

This article analyzes the structure of types and procedure texts that exist in the monthly edition of Aramcoworld magazine in June 2019. Types of procedural texts, namely topics and statements of purpose, sequence of steps to complete the work stated in the topic, and concluding. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The research instrument used was a procedural text work table structuring the type of text and the structure of the text. The results of his analysis found one type of procedural text in Arabcoworld magazine, the Afro Steak recipe text. In the prosedure text, there is a text structure which contains the structure of the objective, as well as the structure of the steps, and the structure of the recipe text also contains the structure of the objective, the steps are added with the structure of the tools / materials.. This study uses the functional linguistic theory of M.A.K Halliday.