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Exploring Local Wisdom in Learners’ Speech Production: Reflecting High-Order Thinking Skills in Developing Material Design

  • Lilla Musyahda Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Layli Hamidah Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Anna Dewanti Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Issue       Vol 7 No 2 (2024): Talenta Conference Series: Local Wisdom, Social, and Arts (LWSA)
Section       Articles
Keywords: Cultural context speech production rubrics materials design high-order thinking skills
Published 2024-03-01


The phenomenon of foreign language mastery shall always be the main issue in the pedagogy. It leads to the existence of either bilingual or multilingual English Department students in which they can communicate in such a way related to the circumstances where they live. However, it is not reflected in some achievement tests written by the teachers. Ideally, they should reflect progress, not failure. They have to reinforce the learning that has taken place, not go out of their way to expose weakness. Meanwhile, the classical class of Speaking has some obstacles in gaining the ultimate goal. Therefore, the writer would like to tailor an instruction that views the class as end product tasks in the framework of High Order Thinking Skills to design language materials for the Speaking class. The main idea of this study concerns the ability of language users to pair speech production within the contexts. It reflects the cultural values that can be explained and made sense of independently established cultural priorities. It is an approach emphasizing the construction of speech production as the main idea to be focused on. It stresses that speaking of bilingual is the process of constructing within a local context. Moreover, it also has a central role to play in the act of creating text. It also increases students’ awareness of alternative ways of studying and exploring their ability to express their ideas in different cultural contexts as well. The context-description of students’ works refers to knowledge of appropriate subject matter which promotes the value of local wisdom.  It will then be assessed with speech-production rubrics which all criteria are evaluated at the same time to see the progress of the learners.