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Analysis Of Strategies To Increase Tourist Attraction To The Economy Of North Tapanuli Regency

  • Juanricho Jardind Saragih Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Wahyu Ario Pratomo Universitas Sumatera Utara
Issue       Vol 7 No 1 (2024): Talenta Conference Series: Local Wisdom, Social, and Arts (LWSA)
Section       Articles
Keywords: Tourism Natural Factors Facilities and Infrastructure Environment Human Resources
Published 2024-02-24


The purpose of this research done is to analyse and determine the strategy of tourism attraction on economic in North
Tapanuli Regency. The research method used by the writer is importance and performance appraisal analysis methods.
First step, validity and reliability tests are done. These are done because the data found in the research are prime ones
by doing an interview and questioner. The next step, the test done is for importance and performance analysis. The
result of the research shows that the data found by spreading the questioner is valid and reliable. The tourism place
visited by respondents much is “Salib Kasih” located in Tarutung. After the importance and performance tests have
been done, most of the factors in nature, facility infrastructure, social-cultural and attraction variabel factors have
shown good performance and it must be maintained. But, factors of human resources, management, supporting facility
and environment variables have not been focused yet by the related parties, that it is rated low priority. Meanwhile all
respondents posses high expectation of all factors. Therefore, the related parties both private executors and government
need to prioritize more to improve things which do not perform well in order that tourist or visitors get under the better
impression that can support the economic growth in that Regency.