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PSMS Apps: Fintech Platform Innovation for The Development of Digital Money Waqf in Realizing National Economic Transformation to Prevent 2023 Economic Recession Through The Integration Ofanatism of Ball Supporters

  • Muhammad Haidar Hafizh Universitas Brawijaya
  • Qonita Universitas Brawijaya
  • Nala Oktavia Universitas Brawijaya
Issue       Vol 7 No 1 (2024): Talenta Conference Series: Local Wisdom, Social, and Arts (LWSA)
Section       Articles
Keywords: PSMS Medan Global Recession 2023 Economy Transformation Digitalization MSME
Published 2024-02-19


After the end of the pandemic, Indonesia was faced with economic degradation through the threat of a global recessionin 2023. Reflecting on the previous recession during the pandemic, the economic recession at that time succeeded in bringing the Indonesian economy to a minus. Based on data from BPS (Central and Statistics Agency) in the second quarter of 2020, Indonesia's economy was minus 5.32 percent. The many economic problems during the recession due to the pandemic have in fact created the latest problems in the North Sumatra region. It is recorded that the poverty rate in the North Sumatra region reached 8.33% or 1.26 million North Sumatran people classified as poor. On the other hand, this problem also spreads to the MSME sector. Based on data from the Cooperatives and UKM Office of North Sumatra, it was recorded that from 33 districts and cities in North Sumatra, there were 672,000 out of a total of 960,000 MSMEs in North Sumatra and 7,700 out of 11,000 cooperatives that were affected by economic problems. the. So that this problem does not occur again during the current 2023 global recession, one way to be able to deal with the 2023 recession is to restore the MSME sector by strengthening Islamic economic philanthropic products that are
integrated with the large number of Muslims and fanatical supporters in North Sumatra from the PSMS Medan club.  This study aims to determine the development of digitalization potential, the role and potential of the Islamic economy, and the number of PSMS Medan supporters in strengthening the MSME sector in order to prevent economic problems
that will arise due to the 2023 global recession, as well as to explain the concept of PSMS Apps platform innovation in supporting post-pandemic national economic transformation. to support Indonesia Going Forward in 2045. The research results show that the implementation and realization of this innovation is very suitable to be applied to the current 2023 global recession threat, and contributes to the success of the national economic transformation program. The PSMS Apps Platform will have three main features, namely PSMS Experience, PSMS Waqf, PSMS Donation.