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Marketplace and Market Leasing Application as A Form A Increasing the Digital Economy in Indonesia

  • Melia Agustin Silalahi Universitas Jember
  • Yunita Oktaviani Hasibuan Universitas Jember
Issue       Vol 7 No 1 (2024): Talenta Conference Series: Local Wisdom, Social, and Arts (LWSA)
Section       Articles
Keywords: farmers digital economy marketplace market leasing
Published 2024-02-19


The agricultural sector has an important role in improving the national economy. The potential of the agricultural sector in Indonesia consists of several sub-sectors including the food crops sub-sector, horticulture sub-sector, plantation sub-sector, livestock sub-sector, forestry sub-sector and agricultural services sub-sector. Problems Agricultural productivity that is not yet optimal affects the quality and quantity of agricultural products. One of the factors affecting the decline in agricultural productivity is the low level of human resources. The solution offered is that the digital economy is important because of the very rapid development of technology, especially the internet and digital devices. The digital economy is a modern economic concept that combines digital technology with business and commerce. Android applications are software for mobile devices that includes an operating system, rapidly evolving across the mobile ecosystem. Information technology is a field that deals with information processing and communication through the use of technology such as computers, computer networks, software, the internet and mobile devices. This application is made to include two systems, namely marketplace and market leasing. Marketplace is a platform or place where sellers and buyers can make buying and selling transactions online. market leasing is a platform or place where sellers and buyers make leasing transactions online.