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Analysis of the Effect the Assistance of Family Program of Hope on the Welfare of The Community in Bagan Deli Village ( Medan Belawan District, Medan City)

  • Vanessa Nydia Lambok Uli Basa Pardede Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Rujiman Universitas Sumatera Utara
Issue       Vol 7 No 1 (2024): Talenta Conference Series: Local Wisdom, Social, and Arts (LWSA)
Section       Articles
Keywords: Welfare of Community Development PKH Poverty Education Health
Published 2024-02-19


Welfare point for communities that are on welfare, welfare can be seen from health measures, economic circumstances, happiness and the quality of life of those communities that are part of a coordinated effort to create a legitimate alternative to people fulfilling aspirations. In welfare there are reasonable circumstances with the right to freedom of choice in order to survive, with freedom from coercion followed by the process and freedom formed in achieving what is considered valuable by real opportunity. The implementation of both freedoms is shaped into a problem breaker by the government that helps the Hope Family Program (PKH). The government's program for all three areas: poverty, raising health numbers and improving the quality of education for communities. The purpose of research was created to seek out whether the assistance of a Family Program of Hope had an effect on the welfare of the community in the Bagan Deli Village, Belawan district. The study is of a quantitative description, using the primary and secondary data, that is direct from the field and through the associated media. This research using sampling the simple random sampling Technique and using the Slovin Formula. Using Simple Linear Regression Analysis methods with Classic Assumptions (Normality Test, Linearity Test, Heterokedasticity Test). Hypothetical Test (t and r ^2 (Coefficient of Determinations). The population in this study was totaled 1,250 KPM and 92 KPM respondents. From the partical test results of the Family Program of Hope (X) as a positive influence on the Improvement of Community Welfare (Y). The result of testing and this study indicate that the Family Program of Hope has a value of 0,000 < 0,05 and a T-Test of 5,431 > 1,661196. It may be concluded that the assistance of a Family Program of Hope has a positive effect on the welfare of the community