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Peran CU. Abadi Dalam Pengembangan UMKM di Kecamatan Ajibata Kabupaten Toba Samosir

The Role of CU. Abadi in The Development of Micro Small Medium Enterprises in Ajibata District, Toba Samosir Regency

  • Delpina Manurung Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Haroni Doli Hamoraon Universitas Sumatera Utara
Issue       Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Talenta Conference Series: Local Wisdom, Social, and Arts (LWSA)
Section       Articles
Keywords: Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah Kredit Pendapatan Jumlah Tenaga Kerja Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Credit Income Number Labor
Published 2023-01-15


Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran credit union dalam pengembangan UMKM di Kecamatan Ajibata, sampel dalam penelitian ditentukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan Purposive Sampling, dan didapat sebanyak 96 UMKM yang dijadikan responden di Kecamatan Ajibata. Data yang terkumpul selanjutnya di analisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa peran credit union sangat berpengaruh terhadap pengembangan UMKM di Kecamatan Ajibata. Ini yang diperoleh oleh pengusaha UMKM dan pertambahan jumlah tenaga kerja yang dimiliki.


This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the role of credit unions in the development of MSMEs in the Ajibata District, the sample in the study was determined using the Purposive Sampling approach, and a total of 96 MSMEs were obtained as respondents in the Ajibata District. The data collected was then analyzed using a qualitative descriptive analysis method. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the role of credit unions is very influential in the development of MSMEs in Ajibata District. This is what MSME entrepreneurs get and the increase in the number of workers they have.