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Indonesia Agricultire Sustainable: Usulan Model dan Prototype Application Pengembangan Green Sukuk Melalui Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk (CWLS) Untuk Mengeskalasi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Pasca Pandemi

Indonesia Agricultire Sustainable: Proposed Model and Prototype Application for Green Sukuk Development Through Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk (CWLS) to Escalate Post-Pandemic Economic Growth

  • Mhd. Rifki Aulia Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Hakim Fatih Rahel Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Fauzi Enda Sakti Dalimunthe Universitas Sumatera Utara
Issue       Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Talenta Conference Series: Local Wisdom, Social, and Arts (LWSA)
Section       Articles
Keywords: Green Sukuk CWLS Agriculture Sustainable
Published 2023-01-15


Menurut data BPS, kondisi perekonomian global pada Triwulan III/2019 mengalami perlambatan. Perlambatan ekonomi akibat pandemic covid-19 juga dirasakan di Indonesia. Berbagai kebijakan telah ditempuh pemerintah untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini sehingga pertumbuhan ekonomi dapat pulih bahkan mengalami pertumbuhan Kembali. Indonesia berada pada masa momentum positif karena pandemic Covid-19 terkendali dengan baik dimana angka Rt atau effective reproduction number berada di bawah 1 yang berarti wabah dapat dikendalikan (Kementerian keuangan, 2021). Dalam memanfaatkan momentum ini, sektor pasar modal memberikan peranan penting untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi karena menurut teori Harrod-Domar peningkatan Investasi  akan  meningkatkan   pertumbuhan   ekonomi.   Berdasarkan   data   Badan   Koordinasi    Penanaman Modal   (BKPM),   tren   investasi   di   Indonesia   mengalami   peningkatan   secara    kontinu.  Untuk mengeskalasi iklim investasi dibutuhkan instrumen yang mampu menarik minat investor, salah satunya melalui instrumen sukuk. Perkembangan sukuk Indonesia sendiri di ranah global cukup signifikan. Menurut data Islamic Finance Development Report tahun 2018, Indonesia menempati peringkat ke-3 sebagai negara penerbitan sukuk terbesar. Selain perkembangan dari sisi investasi, cash waqf linked sukuk juga dianggap potensial untuk dioptimalkan yang pada karya tulis ini kedua hal tersebut dioptimalisasi sebagai pembiayaan di sektor pertanian yang juga kian mengalami peningkatan. Dengan membangun infrastruktur yang disebut Universal Agriculture Sustainable dengan bekerja sama kepada berbagai pemangku kepentingan seperti pemerintah, pihak swasta dan kementrian maka diharapkan usulan model ini dapat mengeskalasi pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia pasca pandemic Covid-19.


According to BPS data, global economic conditions in the third quarter of 2019 experienced a slowdown. The economic slowdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic is also being felt in Indonesia. Various policies have been taken by the government to overcome this problem so that economic growth can recover and even experience growth again. Indonesia is in a period of positive momentum because the Covid-19 pandemic is well controlled where the Rt number or effective reproduction number is below 1, which means the outbreak can be controlled (Ministry of Finance, 2021). In taking advantage of this momentum, the capital market sector plays an important role in increasing economic growth because according to Harrod-Domar's theory, increased investment will increase economic growth. Based on data from the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), investment trends in Indonesia have continuously increased. To escalate the investment climate, instruments are needed that are able to attract investors, one of which is through the sukuk instrument. The development of Indonesian sukuk itself in the global sphere is quite significant. According to Islamic Finance Development Report data for 2018, Indonesia is ranked 3rd as the country with the largest issuance of sukuk (IFDR, 2018). In addition to developments from the investment side, cash waqf linked sukuk are also considered to have the potential to be optimized, which in this paper are optimized for financing in the agricultural sector, which is also increasing. By building infrastructure called Universal Agriculture Sustainable in collaboration with various stakeholders such as the government, the private sector and ministries, it is hoped that this proposed model can escalate Indonesia's economic growth after the Covid-19 pandemic.