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Tingkat Kebertahanan Ekoleksikon Bahasa Protoaustronesia (PAN) dalam Ekoleksikon Bahasa Melayu Asahan

The Retention Level of the Protoaustronesian Ecolexicons (PAN) in the Asahan Malay Language Ecolexicons

  • Dwi Widayati Fakultas Ilmu Budaya USU
Issue       Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Talenta Conference Series: Local Wisdom, Social, and Arts (LWSA)
Section       Articles
Keywords: ecolexicon retention Asahan Malay Protoaustronesia
Published 2022-02-14


This paper describes the level of retention of the Protoaustronesian ecolexicons (PAN) in the Asahan Malay (BMA) ecolexicons. By using the comparative historical linguistics and ecolinguistics  approach, 131 data were analyzed quantitatively to determine the percentage of their retention from the PAN ecolexicons. The retention  rate formula used is T = k/n x 100%. T = retention rate, k = number of BMA ecolexicon related to PAN, and n = number of compared ecolexicon. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the retention rate of BMA from the PAN ecolexicon was 52.7%, namely through identical inheritance 13.8%, different inheritance of one vowel phoneme/diphthong 16%, different inheritance of two vowel phonemes 2.3%, and different inheritance one or more consonants 20.6%. Inheritance with different etymon is 47.3%. This percentage figure indicates that the ecolexicon of the biological environment (flora and fauna) and the physical environment (nature and its surroundings) is starting to experience shrinking and shifting from the cognitive of the Asahan Malay speech community.