Hak Ekonomi Perempuan: Pekerja Rumahan dalam Jangkauan Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan
Economic Rights of Women: Homeworkers in the Reach of the Major Labour Laws
Authors | ||
Issue | Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Talenta Conference Series: Local Wisdom, Social, and Arts (LWSA) | |
Section | Articles | |
Galley | ||
DOI: | https://doi.org/10.32734/lwsa.v1i1.133 | |
Keywords: | Pekerja Rumahan Hak Ekonomi Perempuan UU Ketenagakerjaan | |
Published | 2018-10-17 |
Pekerja rumahan belum banyak dikenal dan keberadaannya tidak terlihat sebagai kelompok masyarakat produktif, bahkan data statistik tidak mengkategorikan perempuan pekerja rumahan sebagai golongan pekerja, tetapi sebagai ibu rumah tangga. Informalisasi pekerja rumahan berdampak pada kondisi kerja yang tidak menguntungkan, upah rendah, tidak ada kontrak kerja, tidak ada jaminnan sosial, jam kerja panjang, rentan atas resiko kecelakaan kerja, dsb. Tulisan ini dimaksud dapat menjawab persoalan hukum atas perlindungan pekerja rumahan, menggunakan data sekunder, dengan pendekatan perundang- undangan namun tetap diisi kajian sosiologi dan antropologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kaburnya status hubungan kerja pekerja rumahan menyebabkan hilangnya sejumlah hak pekerja, dan keadaan ini merupakan dampak dari fleksibilitas hubungan kerja. Pemerintah tidak bisa menghilangkan tanggungjawab pengawasan dan perlindungan meskipun sektor informal belum tercakup sebanyak sektor formal dalam UU Ketenagakerjaan
Homeworkers have not been widely known and their existence is not seen as a productive community group, even the statistical data do not categorize women homeworkers as workers, but as housewives. Informalization of homeworkers has an impact on unfavorable working conditions, low wages, no employment contracts, no social security, long working hours, vulnerability to the risk of workplace accidents, etc. This paper was intended to be able to answer legal issues regarding the protection of homeworkers, using secondary data, with a legal approach but still filled with sociology and anthropology studies. The results of the study indicated that the blurring of the status of work relations of homeworkers caused the loss of a number of workers' rights, and this situation was an impact of the flexibility of work relations. The government could not eliminate the oversight and protection responsibilities even though the informal sector had not been covered as much as the formal sector in the Major Labour Laws.