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Model dan analisa struktur sepatu kuda bahan komposit polymeric foam diperkuat serat fiber-glass

Model and Analysis of Horse Shoe Structure Polymeric Foam Composite Materials Reinforced with Fiber Glass

  • Mawardi Mawardi Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Raja E Karya Siregar Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Randika Sudharma Universitas Sumatera Utara
Issue       Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Talenta Conference Series: Science and Technology (ST)
Section       Articles
Keywords: Sepatu kuda, polymeric foam serat fiber-glass steel, statik komposit konvensional
Published 2018-12-20


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensimulasi pembebanan pada sepatu kuda bahan polymeric foamdiperkuat serat fiber-glassmenggunakan analisa software AnsysR17,5 Model sepatu kuda dibuat menggunakan software Solidwork2014 sebanyak dua model, yaitu model 1 dan model 2. Selanjutnya disimulasi statik masing-masing pada sisi atas dan bawah untuk mendapatkan distribusi tegangan sepatu kuda dengan Software AnsysR17.5 Hasil akhir simulasi numerik menunjukkan angka tertinggi pada model 2 bahan polymeric foamdengan nilai tegangan Equivalent(von-mises) Stress0.13021 MPa sedangkan pada model 1 bahan steelhasil akhir nilai tegangan Equivalent (von-mises) Stress0.091885 MPa. Melihat hasil simulasi ini, kesempatan sangat terbuka lebar bagi peneliti berikutnya untuk mengembangkan teknologi mendesain sepatu kuda baru baik secara simulasi maupun eksperimental menggantikan bahan konvensional seperti steelini.

This study aimed to simulate the loading on horse shoes of polymeric foam materials reinforced by fiber glass using AnsysR17,5 software analysis. Horse shoe models made using Solidwork2014 software were as many as two models, namely model 1 and model 2. Furthermore, static simulation was conducted on each upper and lower side to get the horse shoe stress distribution with AnsysR17.5 Software. The final numerical simulation showed the highest number in the polymeric foam 2 model with the value of Equivalent (von-mises) Stress 0.13021 MPa while in the 1 steel material the final value was Equivalent (von-mises) Stress 0.091885 MPa. Seeing the results of this simulation, the opportunity was very wide open for the next researcher to develop technology to design new horse shoes both in simulations and experiments replacing conventional materials such as steelini. 

How to Cite
Mawardi, M., Siregar, R. E. K., & Sudharma, R. (2018). Model dan analisa struktur sepatu kuda bahan komposit polymeric foam diperkuat serat fiber-glass. Talenta Conference Series: Science and Technology (ST), 1(2), 182 - 187.