Rancangan Keseimbangan Lintasan Stasiun Kerja Produksi Ragum dengan Metode Helgeson-Birnie
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Issue | Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE) | |
Section | Articles | |
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Copyright (c) 2020 Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. |
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DOI: | https://doi.org/10.32734/ee.v3i2.987 | |
Keywords: | Line Balancing RPW Ragum | |
Published | 2020-11-30 |
Pertumbuhan dunia industri saat ini menjadi keuntungan bagi konsumen sebab semakin terpenuhinya kebutuhan konsumen dan tersedianya berbagai produk dengan berbagai jenis serta bentuk yang berbeda. Namun, disisi lain, pertumbuhan ini meningkatkan persaingan antar perusahaan untuk mendapatkan pangsa pasar seluas-luasnya. Setiap perusahaan melakukan berbagai cara untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dalam proses produksi untuk mengurangi sumber daya yang dibutuhkan serta meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas hasil produksi. Lintasan produksi dinilai menjadi salah satu faktor terpenting dalam peningkatan efisiensi tersebut terutama bagi perusahaan manufaktur berjenis mass production. Produksi ragum dijadikan objek pada peneletian ini karena terjadi ketidakseimbangan stasiun kerja dimana terjadi penumpukan elemen kerja pada stasiun kerja tertentu sehingga harus dilakukan penyeimbangan lintasan produksi (line balancing). Data-data primer berupa data waktu siklus dan aliran elemen kerja didapatkan melalui observasi langsung sedangkan data-data sekunder berupa jam kerja dan jumlah hari kerja didapatkan dari bagian produksi. Semua populasi elemen kerja berjumlah delapan puluh enam dalam produksi ragum dijadikan sampel penelitian. Metode Rank Position Weight (RPW) dyang dikemukakan oleh Helgeson-Birnie dijadikan metode analisis dimana masing-masing elemen kerja dirangking sesuai dengan bobot yang dimiliki. Kemudian elemen kerja mulai dari yang menduduki rangking satu hingga rangking terakhir disebar ke masing-masing stasiun kerja. Hasil yang diperoleh terdapat empat stasiun kerja dengan waktu siklus masing-masing sebesar 5131s, 5000s, 5219s, dan 2474s. Kemudian dilakukan perhitungan balance delay, efisiensi lintasan, dan smoothing index untuk mengukur performansi lintasan produksi yang dirancang masing-masing sebesar 15.85%, 84.15%, dan 2842.14.
The growth of the industrial world is now a boon for consumers because consumers are increasingly meeting their needs and the availability of various products with different types and forms. However, on the other hand, this growth increases competition among companies to gain the widest market share. Each company does a variety of ways to improve efficiency in the production process to reduce the resources needed and improve the quality and quantity of production. The production line is considered to be one of the most important factors in increasing efficiency, especially for mass production manufacturing companies. The vise production is made an object in this research because there is an imbalance of the work stations where there is a buildup of work elements at a particular work station so that line balancing must be carried out. Primary data in the form of cycle time data and work element flow are obtained through direct observation while secondary data in the form of working hours and the number of working days are obtained from the production department. All work element populations totaling eighty-six in vise production were sampled. The Rank Position Weight (RPW) method proposed by Helgeson-Birnie is used as a method of analysis in which each work element is ranked according to the weight held. Then the work elements ranging from occupying rank one to the last rank are distributed to each work station. The results obtained were four work stations with cycle times of 5131s, 5000s, 5219s, and 2474s respectively. Then the calculation of the balance delay, the efficiency of the track, and the smoothing index are calculated to measure the performance of the production line that is designed at 15.85%, 84.15%, and 2842.14, respectively.