Analisis Mitigasi Risiko Supply Chain dari Perkebunan Karet ke Perusahaan X di Sumatera Utara
Analysis of Supply Chain Risk Mitigation from Rubber Plantation to Company X in North Sumatra
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Issue | Vol 2 No 4 (2019): Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE) | |
Section | Articles | |
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Copyright (c) 2019 TALENTA Publisher This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. |
Galley | ||
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Keywords: | Mitigasi Risiko Model SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) House Of Risk Risk Mitigation | |
Published | 2019-12-18 |
Aktivitas rantai pasok bahan baku memiliki peluang risiko seperti pemesanan bahan, keterlambatan pemasok saat pengiriman, serta kendala dari risiko perusahaan sendiri. Maka dilakukan analisa risiko dan penanganan aksi mitigasi risiko. Penelitian menggunakan model House Of Risk 2 fase. Pertama yaitu fase mengidentifikasi risiko dan agen risiko, kemudian diukur tingkat severity dan occurance serta dihitung nilai aggregate risk priority (ARP). Kedua fase penanganan risiko prioritas dari hasil fase pertama. Hasil penelitian menunjukan dua sebab yang harus diprioritaskan untuk ditangani agar mitigasi resiko menjadi optimal yaitu permintaan tidak memberikan spesifikasi ditanggani dengan membuat komunikasi yang lancar antara perusahaan. Untuk permintaan yang mendadak dapat ditangani dengan membuat penjadwalan ulang.
Raw material supply chain activities have risk opportunities such as ordering materials, supplier delays when shipping, and constraints from the company's own risk. Then the risk analysis and handling of risk mitigation actions are carried out. Research using the House of Risk 2 phase model. First is the phase of identifying risks and risk agents, then the level of severity and occurance is measured and the aggregate risk priority (ARP) value is calculated. The two phases of priority risk management from the results of the first phase. The results of the study show two reasons that must be prioritized to be handled so that risk mitigation is optimal, that is, requests not to provide specifications are handled by making smooth communication between companies. For sudden requests, it can be handled by rescheduling.