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Karakter Spasial Hunian Vernakular Melayu Deli

  • Meyga Fitri Handayani Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Mohammed Nawawiy Loebis Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Nurlisa Ginting Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Hilma Tamiami Universitas Sumatera Utara
Issue       Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE)
Section       Articles
Keywords: Vernacular Residential Spatial Character Deli Malay
Published 2019-05-31


Hunian Vernakular dari Malay Deli adalah hunian yang dulu berada di wilayah Kesultanan Melayu Deli. Saat ini, keberadaannya sudah sangat sulit ditemukan dalam kondisi yang baik, beberapa hunian sudah berubah dan rusak. Konsekuensinya, kearifan lokal Sumatera Utara akan hilang. Karakter spasial perlu untuk diidentifikasi untuk mendapatkan tipologi spasial dari tempat tinggal vernakular Melayu Deli. Metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Variabel penelitian adalah aspek spasial seperti orientasi hunian, pola ruang dan hierarki ruang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menemukan ada 13 jenis karakter spasial vernakular kediaman Melayu Deli.


The Vernacular residence of Malay Deli was a residence that used to be in area of the Deli Malay Sultanate. Nowadays, its existence has been very difficult to find with good conditions, some had changed and damaged. The consequent is the local wisdom of North Sumatera will be lost. It is necessary to identify spatial characters to obtain the spatial typology of vernacular residence vernacular Deli Malay. The research method of qualitative descriptive. The variable research is spatial aspects such as occupancy orientation, patterns of space and hierarchy of space. Data collection using documentation method and deep interview. The result of research found there were 13 type of spatial character vernacular residence Deli Malay.