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Studi Eksperimental Performa Kampas Rem Serbuk Tebu dengan Menggunakan Motor Satria Fu 150

An Experimental Study on the Performance of Sugar Cane Powder Brake Lining Using Motor Satria Fu 150

  • Muhammad Sabri Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Nofiqbal Annisa Universitas Sumatera Utara
Issue       Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE)
Section       Articles
Keywords: Serat Tebu Abestos Non Asbestos Karakteristik Federal
Published 2018-12-17


Kampas rem adalah suatu komponen rem yang paling penting dalam kinerja pengereman, kampas rem adalah suatu material komposit yang tersusun dari beberapa bahan penyusun dan pengikat. Kampas rem ada dua jenis yaitu Abestos yaitu 40 s/d 60%, resin 12% s/d 15%, BaSO4 14% s/d 15%, sisanya karet ban bekas, tembaga sisa kerajinan dan frictdust.dan kampas rem non asbestos yang terbuat dari aramyd atau Kevlar, rockwool, fiberglass, potasiumtitanate, carbonfiber, graphite, cellulose, vemiculate, steelfiber, BaSO4, resin phenolic, nitrile butadiene rubber. Pada penelitian ini peneliti membuat kampas rem non asbestos dari material serat tebu dengan variasi kompoisi 20% serat tebu, 15% MgO, 15% Al dan 25% resin epoxy 25% hardener.25% serat tebu, 15% MgO, 10% Al dan 25% resin epoxy 25% hardener.30% serat tebu, 15% MgO, 5% Al dan 25% resin epoxy 25% hardener. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan performa kampas rem menyerupai performa kampas rem non asbestos yang ada dipasaran seperti federal. Pengujian performa kampas rem yang diteliti berupa jarak pengereman, waktu pengereman, koefisien gesek kampas rem dengan disk break, dan pertambahan panas yang dihasilkan karena gesekan yang terjadi. Performa yang mendekati performa kampas rem merek federal dengan nilai jarak pengereman 17.28 m, waktu pengereman 1.94 s, panas yang dihasilkan 46.66667oC, dan koefisien gesek 0.812 pada kecepatan 60km/h dengan gaya tekan pedal rem sebesar 30N, dari standar performa jarak yang mendekati adalah komposisi C 17.45 m, Waktu pengereman komposisi C 1.98s. koefisien gesek komposisi C 0.804, dan panas komposisi C 48.6667oC.

Brake lining is the most important brake component in braking performance. Brake lining is a composite material consists of several constituent materials and binders. There are two types of brake pads, namely Abestos 40% to 60%, resin 12% to 15%, BaSO4 14% to 15%, the rest are rubber tires, remaining copper craft and frictdust. While non asbestos brake shoes are made from aramyd or Kevlar, rockwool, fiberglass, potasiumtitanate, carbonfiber, graphite, cellulose, vemiculate, steelfiber, BaSO4, resin phenolic, and nitrile butadiene rubber. In this study, the researchers created non asbestos brake shoes from sugar cane fiber material with variation composition i.e. 20% sugar cane fiber, 15% MgO, 15% Al and 25% epoxy resin 25% hardener; 25% sugarcane fiber, 15% MgO, 10% Al and 25% epoxy resin 25% hardener; and 30% sugarcane fiber, 15% MgO, 5% Al and 25% epoxy resin 25% hardener. The purpose of this study is to obtain brake lining performance which resembling the performance of non-asbestos brake linings available in market such as federal brand. Brake lining performance were examined by testing the braking distance, braking time, brake pad friction coefficient with disk break, and the heat generated due to friction occurred. Performance which approaches the performance of federal brand brake shoes with a braking distance value of 17.28 m, braking time of 1.94 s, the heat generated was 46.66667 0C, and friction coefficient of 0.812 at a speed of 60 km/h with a brake pedal press force of 30 N, from similar standard performance distance was composition C 17.45 m, braking time composition C 1.98 s, friction coefficient composition C 0.804, and heat composition C 48.6667 0C.