Survei Pasar Perancangan Headphone X Blind Fold bagi Penderita Insomnia
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Issue | Vol 7 No 1 (2024): Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE) | |
Section | Articles | |
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Copyright (c) 2024 Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. |
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Keywords: | Headphone X Blind Fold Sampling Slovin Survei Pasar Market Survey | |
Published | 2024-10-22 |
Jenis gangguan tidur yang disebut insomnia menyebabkan kesulitan tidur. Insomnia kronis dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup. Oleh karena itu dirancang produk Headphone X Blind Fold untuk membantu orang yang menderita insomnia supaya tidur lebih baik. Produsen dapat merancang dan mengembangkan produk sesuai keinginan pasar dengan mengetahui spesifikasi produk yang dibutuhkan konsumen melalui survei pasar. Segmentasi pasar perlu dilakukan supaya kita mengetahui keinginan pelanggan terhadap produk Headphone X Blind Fold. Pasar dibagi dalam kelompok konsumen yang berbeda sesuai dengan kebutuhan, fitur, atau kegiatan yang berbeda dimana membutuhkan produk atau campuran marketing yang berbeda. Ini dikenal sebagai segmenting. Proses seleksi dan mencapai pasar dikenal sebagai targeting. Pemasar membuat gambaran, persepsi, dan ide tentang produk kepada konsumen melalui proses komunikasi disebut dengan positioning. Strategi pemasaran dilakukan dengan memilih Kota Medan sebagai lokasi pemasaran, demografi 17-35 tahun, dan tingkat ekonomi menengah. Konsep slovin digunakan untuk menghitung jumlah sampel, dan jumlah sampelnya adalah 37 orang. Headphone x Blind Fold berada di kuadran B pada peta posisi produk utama dan produk pesaing, menunjukkan bahwa produk Headphone X Blind Fold memiliki fitur yang sesuai dengan keinginan pelanggan.
A type of sleep disorder called insomnia causes difficulty sleeping. A long-term sleep disorder can lower life quality. As a result, the Headphone X Blind Fold device was created to improve sleep for those who from insomnia. By using market surveys to determine the product requirements that consumers require, manufacturers can design and develop items in accordance with consumer preferences. In order to understand what customers want from the X Blind Fold Headphone product, market segmentation is necessary. Various consumer groups are identified within the market based on their unique wants, attributes, or activities that necessitate distinct products or marketing combinations. We call this segmentation. Targeting is the process of identifying and interacting with a market. Marketers use a communication technique known as positioning to shape consumers' perceptions, ideas, and pictures of items. The marketing plan was implemented by selecting Medan City as the marketing area, targeting the 17–35 age group, and using a middle-class economic background. The number of samples was determined using the Slovin idea, and it was 37 persons. The Headphone X Blind Fold product has features that satisfy the needs of customers, as seen by its placement in quadrant B on the position map of competing and primary products.