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Perancangan Electric Bamboo Toothbrush Menggunakan Metode Survei Pasar

  • Indah Threeana Program Studi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Almamater Kampus USU, Medan 20155, Indonesia
  • Siti Ayu Putri Mentari Program Studi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Almamater Kampus USU, Medan 20155, Indonesia
  • Chairunnisa Andaristi Program Studi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Almamater Kampus USU, Medan 20155, Indonesia
Issue       Vol 7 No 1 (2024): Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE)
Section       Articles
Keywords: Kuesioner Pengujian Sampel Sikat Gigi Elektrik Survei Pasar Questionnaire Sample Testing Electric Toothbrush Market Survey
Published 2024-10-22


Perancangan suatu produk dapat dikatakan berhasil jika mampu bersaing di pasar. Survei pasar dilakukan untuk mampu bersaing di pasar. Survei pasar berfungsi menghubungkan konsumen, pelanggan, dan masyarakat dengan pemasaran. Informasi yang dikumpulkan dari survei pasar tersebut dihasilkan dari penyebaran kuesioner terbuka dan tertutup. Dari penentuan jumlah sampel, diambil 40 jumlah populasi untuk penelitian ini dan menggunakan metode Slovin untuk mengetahui jumlah sampel. Kuesioner terbuka dan tertutup disebar kepada 37 responden yang berjumlah 29 orang perempuan dan 8 orang laki-laki berusia 18-24 tahun. Hasil dari penyebaran kuesioner terbuka didapat nilai modus dari setiap atribut produk Electric Bamboo Toothbrush. Hasil yang diperoleh, yaitu daya sebesar 0,6 W, frekuensi getar sebesar 37.000 Hz/s, panjang gagang 15 cm, warna coklat, bentuk kepala sikat gigi bulat, bahan bulu sikat gigi dari serat kayu siwak, pengisi daya baterai, durasi getar 2 menit, fitur kepala sikat gigi dapat dilepas pasang, dan timer internal selama 30 detik. Hasil dari kuesioner tertutup dibuktikan dengan melakukan uji validitas di mana semua data yang dihasilkan lebih besar atau berada di wilayah r = 0,325 dan reliabilitas lebih besar dari 0,325 pada jumlah responden 37 dengan taraf signifikansi 5%, maka data yang didapatkan valid dan reliable.

The design of a product compete in the market. Market surveys are carried out to be able to compete in the market. Market surveys function to connect consumers, customers and society with marketing. The information collected from the market survey resulted from distributing open and closed questionnaires. Before distributing questionnaires in a market survey, it is necessary to determine the sample size using sampling techniques. From determining the number of samples, 40 populations were taken for this research and used the Slovin method to determine the number of samples. Open and closed questionnaires were distributed to 37 respondents, totaling 29 women and 8 men aged 18-24 years. Distributing an open questionnaire obtained the mode value of each attribute of the Electric Bamboo Toothbrush product. The results obtained are 0.6 W power, vibration frequency 37,000 Hz/s, handle length 15 cm, brown color, round toothbrush head shape, toothbrush bristles made from miswak wood fiber, battery charger, vibration duration 2 minutes, features a removable toothbrush head, and an internal timer for 30 seconds. The results of the closed questionnaire were proven by carrying out a validity test where all the data produced was greater or was in the area of r = 0.325 and reliability was greater than 0.325 for the number of respondents 37 with a significance level of 5%, so the data obtained was valid and reliable.