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Analisis Risiko dan Rekayasa Sistem Pada Pemotongan Ayam Berdasarkan Prinsip Halal Supply Chain (Studi Kasus: Rumah Pemotongan Ayam XYZ)

  • Yulfi Kusuma Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Issue       Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE)
Section       Articles
Keywords: ARP HOR Produk Halal Rantai Pasuk Risk Agent Halal Product Supply Chain
Published 2023-10-20


Jumlah ternak terkhusus ayam pedaging di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta meningkat setiap tahun. Pihak Rumah Potong Ayam dituntut mampu menyediakan produk halal dengan mengedepankan persyaratan penyembelihan ayam yang halal sesuai dengan pedoman dari Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah agar sumber risiko (risk agent) yang terbesar dapat diidentifikasi dan perbaikan dapat diberikan, melakukan langkah perbaikan menggunakan House of Risk fase II dan melakukan rekayasa pemotongan ayam atas dasar Halal Supply Chain. House of Risk (HOR) dipakai dalam penelitian ini karena sumber risiko utama dapat ditentukan sehingga langkah penanggulangan yang terbaik diterapkan agar probabilitas risiko semakin menurun. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah sumber risiko paling besar terdapat pada kurangnya disiplin yang dilakukan pekerja yang memiliki proporsi sebesar 23.53, dan nilai Aggregate Risk Priority (ARP) yaitu 1890. Oleh karena itu diterapkan langkah perbaikan House of Risk fase I pada risk agent utama dengan menggunaakn Effectiveness to Difficulty (ETD) dengan memberlakukan sistem reward dan punishment senilai 4253, melakukan training kepada pekerja secara rutin sebesar 2835, melakukan penerapan sistem absen sebesar 1890, melakukan penilaian pekerja secara berkala sebesar 1418 dan membentuk Standar Operasional Prosedur baru sebesar 945. Hasil probability menujukkan usulan perbaikan diterapkan pada tahapan loading ayam, pemingsanan, pemotongan, pencabutan bulu dan packing produk.

The livestock population in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, especially broilers, shows an increase from year to year. The Chicken Slaughterhouse is required to be able to provide halal products by prescribing the requirements for halal chicken slaughter in accordance with the guidelines from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). This research was conducted with the aim of identifying the largest source of risk (risk agent) and needing to be improved, to improve the strategy using the House of Risk phase II method and to engineer chicken slaughter based on the principles of the Halal Supply Chain. The method used in this study is the House of Risk (HOR), the advantage of this method is that it can determine prioritized risk sources to take the most effective action in order to reduce potential risks from risk sources. This study obtained the highest risk agent (risk source) results, namely the lack of employee discipline behavior with a proportion of 23.53% with an Aggregate Risk Priority (ARP) value of 1890. Based on the risk sources that have been selected in HOR phase I, efforts to improve the identified risk sources priority based on Effectiveness to Difficulty (ETD), namely the existence of a reward and punishment system of 4253, periodic training for workforce of 2835, implementing an absence system of 1890, routine workforce evaluation of 1418 and the establishment of new SOPs of 945. Based on the benefits obtained, the Suggestions are made for system improvements in the process of cutting chickens, namely in the process of loading chickens, stunning, cutting, removing feathers and product packing.