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Perancangan Lumbar Support with Belt dengan Menggunakan Metode Nigel cross

  • Adrian Hartanto Magister Teknik Industri, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Almamater, Kota Medan 20155, Indonesia
  • Elsa Sri E Rumapea Magister Teknik Industri, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Almamater, Kota Medan 20155, Indonesia
Issue       Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE)
Section       Articles
Keywords: Lumbar Support with Belt Nigel Cross Solusi Alternatif Alternative Solution
Published 2023-10-20


Berpikir divergen merupakan teknik berpikir meraih jawaban sebanyak-banyaknya, pikiran tersebar luas dalam mencari ide. Dalam merancang sesuatu, diperlukan pola berpikir divergen yang identik dengan arah pemikiran yang variatif dan mendapatkan alternatif sebanyak mungkin. Metode Nigel cross adalah metode yang digunakan memperoleh data-data dalam merancang produk Lumbar Support with Belt. Pada perancangan desain produk menggunakan metode Nigel cross ini menggunakan 7 langkah, yakni klasifikasi tujuan produk, menetapkan fungsi desain produk, menetapkan kebutuhan desain produk, selanjutnya menentukan karakteristik desain produk, pembangkitan karakteristik, evaluasi alternatif dan memberikan rincian perbaikan. Adapun karakteristik akhir dari Lumbar Support with Belt yaitu berupa bentuknya persegi, ukuran Lumbar Support adalah 60 cm x 40 cm dan Belt 200 m x 10 cm, warna yang digunakan adalah warna hitam, material Lumbar Support terbuat dari kain rajut (fabric) dan Belt berbahan kain dari kain dry fit, berat produk ±300 g, ujung Belt diberi magnet berukuran 4.5 cm x 3 cm, diberi 5 tingkatan untuk melekatkan magnet, serta Lumbar Support diberi tali elastis disetiap sudutnya sepanjang 15 cm. Perhitungan luas gap di antara kelompok V dan alternatif 1, didapat luas usulan (0,0947) lebih kecil dari luas alternatif 1 (0,2526) dimana produk yang terpilih yaitu produk usulan. Berdasarkan gantt chart, bobot terbesar berada di W10, yaitu ukuran tali elastis. Sedangkan bobot terkecil berada di W6, yaitu warna sabuk. Usulan cenderung lebih stabil daripada alternatif 1 dimana simpangan terajuh berada di W3 (bentuk lumbar support) mempunyai nilai kepentingan sebesar 5.

Divergent thinking is a thinking technique to get as many answers as possible, thoughts are widespread in looking for ideas. In designing something, a divergent thinking pattern is required which is identical with a varied direction of thinking and getting as many alternatives as possible. The Nigel cross method is a method used to obtain data in designing Lumbar Support with Belt products. In designing product designs using the Nigel cross method, 7 steps are used, namely classification of product objectives, determining product design functions, determining product design requirements, then determining product design characteristics, generating characteristics, evaluating alternatives and providing details of improvements. The final characteristics of the Lumbar Support with Belt are in the form of a square shape, the size of the Lumbar Support is 60 cm x 40 cm and the Belt is 200 m x 10 cm, the color used is black, the Lumbar Support material is made of knitted fabric and the Belt is made of cloth made of dry fit fabric, product weight ± 300 g, the end of the Belt is given a magnet measuring 4.5 cm x 3 cm, given 5 levels to attach the magnet, and the Lumbar Support is given an elastic strap at each corner 15 cm long. Calculation of the area of ​​the gap between group V and alternative 1, it was found that the area of ​​the proposal (0.0947) was smaller than the area of ​​alternative 1 (0.2526) where the selected product was the proposed product. Based on the Gantt chart, the largest weight is in W10, which is the size of the elastic rope. While the smallest weight is in W6, namely the color of the belt. The proposal tends to be more stable than alternative 1 where the farthest deviation is at W3 (lumbar support form) has an importance value of 5.