Survei Pasar Terhadap Produk Alat Brace di Masyarakat Peduli Disabilitas Indonesia
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Issue | Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE) | |
Section | Articles | |
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Copyright (c) 2023 Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. |
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Keywords: | Survei pasar Pemasaran Brace Kuisioner Market survey Marketing Questionnaire | |
Published | 2023-10-20 |
Di era globalisasi, perusahaan melakukan bisnis menghadapi persaingan bisnis dan menerapkan strategi tepat. Riset pemasaran adalah proses mengidentifikasi, mengumpulkan, menyebarkan, dan menggunakan informasi secara sistematis, objektif untuk membantu manajemen membuat keputusan terkait dengan mengidentifikasi dan memecahkan masalah pemasaran (dan peluang). Penelitian bertujuan untuk merancang Produk Alat Brace (Untuk Penyanggah Lutut Bagi Disabilitas) berdasarkan data yang ada sehingga produk dapat membantu pengguna. Semakin tinggi tingkat kesalahan maka semakin kecil jumlah sampel yang dibutuhkan, dan sebaliknya. Setelah penyebaran kuisioner langsung kepada responden dan pengujian validitas dan realibitas. Kuesioner terbuka disebarkan kepada 30 responden, untuk menguji penelitian dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Uji validitas dilaksanakan oleh peneliti dengan tingkat kepercayaan α = 0,05 dan rentang kritis product moment pada α = 0,05 dan N = 30 adalah r = 0,361. Perhitungan uji reliabilitas untuk mendapatkan koefisien Alpha Croanbach. Selain itu, tingkat Rtitis yang digunakan adalah n=30 dan tingkat kepercayaan 5%, yaitu 0.361. Melalui uji validitas yang dilakukan oleh peneliti, disimpulkan bahwa semua informasi yang diterima adalah valid. Disimpulkan bahwa konsistensi internal dan instrumennya cukup baik atau reliabel.
In the era of globalization, companies doing business face business competition and apply appropriate strategies. Marketing research is the process of identifying, collecting, disseminating, and using information in a systematic, objective way to help management make decisions related to identifying and solving marketing problems (and opportunities). The research aims to design Brace Device Products (For Knee Support for Disabilities) based on existing data so that the product can help users. The higher the error rate, the smaller the number of samples needed, and vice versa. After distributing the questionnaire directly to the respondents and testing the validity and reliability. Open questionnaires were distributed to 30 respondents, to test the research validity and reliability tests were carried out. The validity test was carried out by the researcher with a confidence level of α = 0.05 and the product moment critical range at α = 0.05 and N = 30 was r = 0.361. Calculation of reliability test to get Alpha Croanbach coefficient. In addition, the Rtitis level used was n = 30 and a 5% confidence level, namely 0.361. Through the validity test conducted by researchers, it was concluded that all information received was valid. It is concluded that the internal consistency and the instruments are quite good or reliable.