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Analisis Kualitas Olein Menggunakan Metode Statistical Quality Control (SQC)

  • Nurul Syifa Adilah Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Issue       Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE)
Section       Articles
Keywords: Analisis Kualitas Pengendalian Kualitas Statistical Quality Control (SQC) Quality Analysis Quality Control
Published 2023-10-20


PT. XYZ adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pengolahan CPO (crude palm oil) menjadi minyak goreng (olein). Adapun permasalahan yang didapati hasil uji laboratorium pada perusahaan menujukan hasil kualitas olein yang berbeda – beda. Hal ini berarti menujukan ketidak konsistenan kulaitas olein, yang berdasarkan dengan standar mutu yang telah ditetapkan perusahaan. Penelitian ini dilaukukan dengan melakukan pengukuran terhadap kadar colour (red), FFA (free fatty acid) dan M&I (Moisturize & Impiuritis). Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode Statistical Quality Control (SQC) yang terdiri dari 7 tools yaitu stratifikasi, chek sheet, histogram, pareto diagram, scatter diagram, control chart, dan diagram sebab akibat (cause-effect) unutk mengetahui penyebab produk berada diluar batas kendali.  Hasil pengolahan menujukan kadar Colour dan M&I (Moisturize & Impiuritis) sudah berada diluar batas kendali sedangkan kadar FFA (free fatty acid) terdapat beberapa data yang berada diluar batas kendali dari 25 data yang tidak memenuhi standar mutu. Berdasarkan hasil analisa yang dilakukan dengan diagram sebab akibat, dapat diidentifikasi faktor – faktor penyebab data yang berada diluar batas kendali seperti faktor metode yang disebabkan karena skill operator yang berbeda – beda, faktor manusia yaitu karena operator yang mengalami kelelahan atau kurang teliti.


XYZ, is a company engaged in the processing of CPO (crude palm oil) into cooking oil (olein). As for the problems found in the results of laboratory tests at the company, the results of the quality of olein are different. This means pointing out the inconsistent quality of olein, which is based on the quality standards set by the company. This research was carried out by measuring the levels of color (red), FFA (free fatty acids) and M&I (Moisturize & Impuritis). The data is then analyzed using the Statistical Quality Control (SQC) method which consists of 7 tools, namely stratification, check sheet, histogram, Pareto diagram, scatter diagram, control chart, and cause-effect diagram to find out the cause of the product being out of bounds. control. The results of the processing show that the levels of Color and M&I (Moisturize & Impuritis) are already outside the control limits, while the levels of FFA (free fatty acids) there are some data that are outside the control limits of 25 data that do not meet quality standards. Based on the results of the analysis carried out with a causal diagram, it can be identified the factors causing the data that are outside the control limits such as method factors caused by different operator skills, human factors, namely due to operators who experience fatigue or lack of accuracy.