Analisis Survei Pasar terhadap Perancangan Produk Smart Health Therapy Shoes to Prevent Parkinson di Kota Medan
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Issue | Vol 5 No 2 (2022): Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE) | |
Section | Articles | |
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Copyright (c) 2022 Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. |
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Keywords: | Smart Health Therapy Shoes to Prevent Parkinson Survei Survey | |
Published | 2022-12-13 |
Produk yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah sepatu Smart Health Therapy Shoes to Prevent Parkinson untuk mencegah penyakit parkinson menggunakan metode penelitian. Polling adalah teknik komunikasi yang mengajukan pertanyaan kepada responden dan menganalisis lebih lanjut jawaban mereka. Salah satu alat penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Kuesioner diberikan dengan menanyakan kepada responden berbagai pertanyaan tertulis terstruktur tentang variabel yang diteliti. Panduan standar tentang spesifikasi produk disediakan dalam kuesioner. Kuesioner yang digunakan sebagai instrumen penelitian adalah jenis kuesioner terbuka dan tertutup. Kuesioner publik kemudian dibagikan kepada 40 responden dan dilakukan peringkasan data. Metode penentuan sampel adalah metode simple random sampling, dan mode ditentukan dari atribut spesifikasi produk sepatu perawatan kesehatan pintar untuk pencegahan penyakit Parkinson. Kuesioner pribadi kemudian dibuat dan kemudian dibagikan kepada responden. Kuesioner tertutup akan disertai dengan atribut spesifikasi produk sepatu Smart Health Therapy Shoes to Prevent Parkinson yang mencegah penyakit parkinson, tergantung dari modus yang disertakan dalam kuesioner terbuka. Dan untuk menilai baik atau buruknya suatu alat survey, diperlukan validitas dan reliabilitas alat survey tersebut. Validitas mengevaluasi sejauh mana pengukuran tersebut sesuai untuk objek yang akan diukur, dan reliabilitas mengevaluasi sejauh mana pengukuran tersebut dapat diandalkan. Jurnal mencatat bahwa data yang diperoleh valid dan cukup baik.
The products discussed in this study are Smart Health Therapy Shoes to Prevent Parkinson's shoes to prevent Parkinson's disease using research methods. Polling is a communication technique that asks respondents questions and further analyzes their answers. One of the research tools used is a questionnaire. Questionnaires were given by asking respondents various structured questions about the variables studied. Standard guidance on product specifications provided in the questionnaire. The questionnaire used as a research instrument is an open and closed type of questionnaire. The public questionnaire was then distributed to 40 respondents and data was summarized. The method of determining the sample is a simple random sampling method, and the mode is determined from the product attribute specifications of smart health care shoes for the prevention of Parkinson's disease. Personal questionnaires were then created and then distributed to respondents. The closed questionnaire will be accompanied by product specifications attributes for Smart Health Therapy Shoes to Prevent Parkinson's shoes that prevent Parkinson's disease, depending on the mode included in the open. And to assess the good or bad of a survey tool, the validity and reliability of the survey tool is needed. Validity, the extent to which the measurement is appropriate for the object, and reliability the extent to which the measurement can be relied upon. The journal notes that the data obtained are valid and quite good.