Perancangan Fasilitas Transport Fine Coal dengan Teknologi Pneumatics Conveyor (Studi Kasus di PT XYZ)
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Issue | Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE) | |
Section | Articles | |
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Copyright (c) 2021 Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. |
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Keywords: | Pneumatics Conveyor Sistem Dilute Phase Fine Coal Batu bara berkalori rendah Pabrik Semen | |
Published | 2021-10-29 |
PT XYZ memiliki Pabrik A dan Pabrik B, dimana Pabrik A mengalami penurunan kapasitas produksi klinker disebabkan oleh penurunan kapasitas Coal Mill dan Pabrik B memiliki kelebihan kapasitas Coal Mill. Oleh karena itu diperlukan sistem transport fine coal yang tepat dari pabrik B ke pabrik A. Agar peralatan ini dapat dioperasikan sesuai tujuannya maka perlu dilakukan perancangan yang benar yang dimulai dari survei, konsep disain, pemilihan peralatan, serta kegiatan engineering meliputi lay out engineering, basic design, detail design dan gambar teknis. Tipe sistem transport fine coal yang dirancang adalah sistem pneumatics conveyor dengan pertimbangan kemudahan instalasi, operasi, pemeliharaan, kehandalan, safety dan ketersediaan spare part. Diharapkan dengan adanya rancangan sistem sarana pengangkutan fine coal ini dapat bermanfaat dan memiliki nilai ekonomis untuk meningkatkan keunggulan bersaing PT XYZ.
PT XYZ has Plant A and Plant B, that Plant A had decreased clinker production capacity due to decreasing coal mill capacity. Coal mill at Plant B has excess capacity 30. Therefore it is necessary to design fine coal transport system from Plant B to Plant A appropriately. In order to the equipment can be operated and to keep this system can run properly so that is required the step of design starting from the survey, design concept, equipment selection, as well engineering such as lay out engineering, basic design, detail design and technical drawing. The type of fine coal transport system designed is pneumatics conveying system with consideration are easy to install, operate and maintenance, reliable, safety aspect, easy to get spare part. It is hoped that the fine coal transport facility system can be useful and had economic value to improve competitive advantage to pt xyz.