Pengembangan Kawasan Industri Madura
Development of Madura Industrial Estate
Authors | ||
Issue | Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE) | |
Section | Articles | |
Galley | ||
DOI: | | |
Keywords: | Kawasan Industri infrastruktur suprastruktur kegiatan industri | |
Published | 2018-10-16 |
Rencana kawasan industri dikarenakan faktor keberadaan Jembatan Suramadu. Percepatan pertumbuhan daerah dilandasi oleh aspek permintaan pasar dan kawasan industri tersebut serta faktor ketersediaan lahan (tersedianya cukup lahan kosong yang sesuai dengan persyaratan tehnik, persyaratan lingkungan dan persyaratan ekonomis). Pemerintah dan pengembang segera melengkapi lokasi tersebut dengan infrastruktur dan suprastruktur pendukung kawasan industri. Melakukan upaya-upaya promosi yang intensif untuk menarik para calon investor agar mau berinvestasi/menanamkan modalnya di kawasan industri. Mempersiapkan sebuah system dan sarana pelayanan kepada calon investor secara professional, mudah, dan sederhana dalam system pelayanan satu atap, proses pelayanan pajak yang cepat. Kegiatan sejumlah industri yang beroperasi masih belum banyak sehingga pengaruh terhadap transformasi lahan masih rendah. Demikian juga aktivitas industri masih sedikit mempengaruhi transformasi tenaga kerja, karena tenaga kerja yang beralih dari pertanian tidak hanya disebabkan oleh kegiatan industri.
Industrial estates are designed due to the existence of the Suramadu Bridge. Acceleration of regional growth is based on aspects of market demand and industrial estates as well as land availability factors (the availability of sufficient vacant land is in accordance with technical requirements, environmental requirements and economic requirements). The government and developers immediately complement this location with infrastructure and superstructure supporting industrial zones. Conduct intensive promotional efforts to attract potential investors to invest / invest in industrial estates. Prepare a system and means of service to prospective investors in a professional, easy and simple way in a one-stop service system, a fast tax service process. There are still not many activities in a number of industries that operate, so the influence on land transformation is still low. Likewise, industrial activity still has little influence on the transformation of the workforce, because labor migrants from agriculture are not only caused by industrial activities.