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Usulan Perbaikan Brondolan Lengket di Janjang Kosong pada Stasiun Thresher dengan Metode Cause and Effect Diagram pada PT. XYZ

  • Nazaruddin Matondang Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
  • Erik Permana Arifin Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Issue       Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Talenta Conference Series: Energy and Engineering (EE)
Section       Articles
Keywords: Cause and Effect Diagram Perbaikan Produktivitas Kelapa Sawit
Published 2020-11-30


Kelapa sawit (Elaeis Guineesis) menghasilkan minyak tumbuhan atau crude palm oil (CPO) yang dapat diproses menjadi berbagai macam produk olahan. Diantaranya yaitu oleh industri non pangan, seperti oleokimia (fatty acid, fatty alcohol, gliserin), sabun, shampoo, biodiesel dan industri pangan, seperti vegetable ghee, margarin, shortening, cocoa butter substitutes dan minyak goreng. Dapat dipastikan bahwa lebih dari separuh barang kebutuhan sehari-hari di supermarket yang diperjualbelikan, bahan baku utama dan bahan baku sampingannya berasal dari hasil minyak sawit. Tahapan proses produksi industri minyak kelapa sawit (CPO) memiliki tujuh tahap proses produksi yang terdiri dari stasiun reception, loading ramp, sterilizer, thresher, press, klarifikasi dan storage. Namun pada proses produksi di stasiun thresher terdapat gangguan karena masih terdapat brondolan yang masih lengket di janjang kosong. Jadi penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode Cause and Effect Diagram untuk mengetahui penyebab utama permasalahan yang terjadi di dalam stasiun thresher. Analisa metode ini diharapkan mampu memberi usulan agar mampu meningkatkan tingkat produktivitas pabrik.


Palm oil (Elaeis Guineesis) produces plant oil or crude palm oil (CPO) which can be processed into various processed products. Among them are non-food industries, such as oleochemicals (fatty acids, fatty alcohols, glycerin), soaps, shampoos, biodiesel and food industries, such as vegetable ghee, margarine, shortening, cocoa butter substitutes and cooking oil. It can be ascertained that more than half of the daily necessities in the supermarket are traded, the main raw materials and by-products come from palm oil. The stages of the production process of the palm oil industry have seven stages of the production process consisting of a reception station, loading ramp, sterilizer, thresher, press, clarification and storage. But in the production process at the thresher station there are disturbances because there are still has a bunch along the empty bunch. So this research was conducted using the Cause and Effect Diagram method to find out the main causes of problems that occur in the thresher station. Analysis of this method is expected to be able to give suggest to increase the level of factory productivity.