Peran Subsektor Kehutanan Terhadap Pembangunan Ekonomi Kalimantan Tengah Era Reformasi
The Role of Forestry Subsectors on Central Kalimantan Economic Development in the Reform Era
Authors | ||
Issue | Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Talenta Conference Series: Agricultural and Natural Resources (ANR) | |
Section | Articles | |
Galley | ||
DOI: | | |
Keywords: | Kontribusi Kehutanan Sub-Sektor Pembangunan | |
Published | 2019-07-25 |
Hutan sebagai modal pembangunan nasional telah berperan penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi Indonesia. Sejak beberapa dekade khususnya tahun 1970-1990 hutan telah memberikan kontribusi terhadap perekonomian dan pada waktu itu semua orang berpikiran bahwa hutan adalah sumber penghidupan yang berasal dari anugrah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan merupakan lumbung kehidupan bagi umat manusia di permukaan bumi. Di era reformasi kontribusi subsektor kehutanan telah mengalami penurunan baik secara nasional maupun regional. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis perkembangan nilai subsektor kehutanan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi propinsi Kalimantan Tengah era reformasi, melalui besaran nilai kontribusi yang dihasilkan oleh subsektor kehutanan terhadap besar nilai produk domestik regional brutto (PDRB). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan pengumpulan dokumentasi sebagai data penujang. Analisis data menggunakan metode trend simple exponential dengan metode sebagai berikut Y’= abx ; Log Y’= log a + (log b) X. Jika ∑X = 0 ; log a = (∑log Y) : n dan log b = {∑X (log Y)} : ∑X2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kontribusi yang dihasilkan dari subsektor kehutanan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi propinsi Kalimantan Tengah era reformasi khususnya terhadap nilai PDRB 1998-2010 cenderung mengalami penurunan sebesar -1,75%, namun mulai tahun 2011-2017 mengalami kenaikkan secara fluktuatif dengan rata kenaikkan pertahun sebesar 0,06%. Kontribusi subsektor kehutanan terhadap nilai produk domestik regional brutto Kalimantan Tengah pertahun mencapai 6,29%.
Forests as a national development capital have played an important role in Indonesia's economic development. Since decades, especially in 1970-1990, the forest has contributed to the economy, and at that time everyone thought that forests were a source of livelihood that originated from the grace of God Almighty and was a barn of life for humanity on the surface of the earth. In the reform era, the contribution of the forestry subsector has decreased both nationally and regionally. In the reform era, the contribution of the forestry subsector has decreased both nationally and regionally. The study aimed to analyze the development of the forestry sub-sector value towards the economic growth of the Central Kalimantan province in the reform era, through the amount of the contribution generated by the forestry sub-sector to the value of the gross domestic product (GRDP). The research method used was interviews and collection of documentation as data of the assessor. Data analysis uses the trend simple exponential method with the following method Y ’= abx; Log Y '= log a + (log b) X. If ∑X = 0; log a = (∑log Y): n and log b = {∑X (log Y)}: ∑X2. The results showed that the contribution generated from the forestry sub-sector to the economic growth of the province of Central Kalimantan in the reform era, especially towards the value of the 1998-2010 GRDP tended to decrease by -1.75%, but from 2011-2017 there was a fluctuating increase with an annual increase of 0.06%.