Aplikasi Kombinasi Bahan Organik Terhadap Ketersediaan dan Serapan Hara Pada Tanah Sawah Serdang Bedagai
Application of Organic Materials Combination to the Availability and Uptake of Paddy Field Nutrients in Serdang Bedagai
Authors | ||
Issue | Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Talenta Conference Series: Agricultural and Natural Resources (ANR) | |
Section | Articles | |
Galley | ||
DOI: | https://doi.org/10.32734/anr.v1i2.231 | |
Keywords: | Kombinasi Bahan Organik Serapan Hara | |
Published | 2018-12-16 |
Lahan sawah yang terus menerus dipupuk secara intensif menggunakan pupuk anorganik dengan dosis yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kemunduran produktivitas lahan..Penelitian inibertujuanuntuk mengetahui potensi dari berbagai kombinasi bahan organik, perbedaan efek kompos jerami dan jerami cacah, perbedaan efek kombinasi kompos jerami dengan berbagai pupuk kandang, dan perbedaan efek kombinasi jerami cacah dengan berbagai pupuk kandang terhadap ketersediaan dan serapan hara P tanah sawah. PenelitianmenggunakanmetodeRancanganAcakLengkap dengan 7 perlakuan, yaitu : A (Kontrol), B (Kompos Jerami+Kotoran Ayam, 50g+50g/pot), C (Kompos Jerami+Kotoran Kambing, 50g+50g/pot), D (Kompos Jerami+Kotoran Sapi, 50g+50g/pot), E (Jerami Cacah+Kotoran Ayam, 50g+50g/pot), F (Jerami Cacah+Kotoran Kambing, 50g+50g/pot), G (Jerami Cacah+Kotoran Sapi, 50g+50g/pot). Data dianalisis dengan sidikragam dan uji lanjut Kontras Ortogonal. Penelitian menunjukkan aplikasi bahan organik berpengaruh nyata terhadap ketersediaan P, P HCl 25%, dan jumlah anakan namun tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap C-Organik, tinggi tanaman, bobot kering tanaman, hara dan serapan P tanaman. Aplikasi kompos jerami dan jerami cacah memiliki potensi yang sama dalam meningkatkan ketersediaan P, P HCl 25%, dan jumlah anakan. Penambahan kotoran kambing pada kompos jerami dan kotoran ayam pada jerami cacah, nyata lebih baik meningkatkan ketersediaan P, P HCl 25%, dan jumlah anakan.
Paddy fields that are continuously used high-dose inorganic fertilizers could lead to a decline in land productivity. This study aims to determine the potential of various organic fertilizers combinations, differences in the effects of straw compost and chopped straw usage, differences in the effects of straw compost and various manure combination, and differences in the effect of various combination between chopped straw and manure on the availability and uptake of P nutrients in paddy fields. This research uses the Complete Design Method with 7 treatments, namely: A (Control), B (Compost Straw + Chicken Manure, 50g + 50g / pot), C (Compost Straw + Goat Manure, 50g + 50g / pot), D (Straw Compost + Cow Manure, 50g + 50g / pot), E (Chopped Straw + Chicken Manure, 50g + 50g / pot), F (Straw Chopped + Goat Manure, 50g + 50g / pot), G (Chopped Straw + Cow Manure, 50g + 50g / pot ) Data were analyzed by variance and further trials of Orthogonal Contrast. The results show that the application of organic matter has a significant effect on the P availability, 25% of P HCl, and the number of tillers. However, the organic usage does not significantly affect the C Organic, plant height, plant dry weight, nutrient and plant P uptake. The application of straw compost and chopped straw has the same potential in increasing P availability, 25% P HCl, and number of tillers. The addition of goat manure to straw compost and chicken manure on chopped straw, was significantly better in increasing P availability, 25% P HCl, and number of tillers.