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Alih Teknologi Inovasi Produk Filler Adsorbent Antiseptik Alami Tim Abdimas Usu Kepada Umkm Yess Untuk Antisipasi Covid’19 Di Kelurahan Kota Matsum 3 Kecamatan Medan Kota

  • M Sontang Sihotang Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
  • Dara Aisyah Department of Public Administration Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Issue       Vol 5 No 1 (2024): Talenta Conference Series: Agricultural and Natural Resources (ANR)
Section       Articles
Keywords: Transfer Knowledge UMKM Yess mitra binaan pemanfaatan limbah produk kalsium minyak atsiri berkalsium inovasi filler adsorbent Kelurahan Kota Matsum 3 fostered partners waste utilization calcium products calcium essential oils innovation adsorbent filler Matsum City District 3
Published 2024-08-26


Peran pengabdian kampus di era pandemik covid’19 semakin diperlukan, guna mendorong para UMKM untuk terus berinovasi menciptakan produk baru dalam membantu tugas pemerintah melakukan pencegahan atau antisipasi virus corona di masyarakat. Dalam rangka mewujudkan UMKM yang inovatif, dibutuhkan pelatihan dan pendampingan agar para UMKM inovatif binaan tim abdimas (pengabdian masyarakat) kampus dapat mempunyai produk terbarukan berbasis kalsium, mengaplikasikan produk kalsium ke dalam filler adsorbent antiseptik alami, guna memenuhi keperluan antisipasi covid ’19 para keluarga warga Kelurahan Kota Matsum 3 Kecamatan Medan Kota. Peran abdimas USU melalui kegiatan knowledge sharing, hasil kolaborasi dengan UMKM Yess selaku mitra binaan dalam program abdimas kampus sudah dilakukan secara rutin selama 2 tahun dengan melatih mitra memanfaatkan limbah kulit telur menjadi kalsium. Produk kalsium diaplikasikan ke dalam filler adsorbent antiseptik alami. Inovasi yang dihasilkan belum pernah dilakukan mitra sebelum ini, karena selama ini mitra tidak pernah berkolaborasi dengan para peneliti universitas. Para tim Abdimas USU juga memadukan kalsium dengan serai wangi sehingga menghasilkan minyak atsiri berkalsium untuk filler tersebut. Peranan abdimas kampus kepada mitra UMKM Yess melalui knowledge sharing mampu memberi peningkatan inovasi mitra terutama dalam mendorong mitra menghasilkan berbagai produk inovasi yang bermanfaat bagi keperluan warga di Kelurahan mitra.



The role of campus service in the Covid'19 pandemic era is increasingly necessary, to encourage MSMEs to continue to innovate to create new products to help the government's task of preventing or anticipating the corona virus in society. In order to create innovative MSMEs, training and assistance is needed so that innovative MSMEs assisted by the campus community service (community service) team can have renewable calcium-based products, apply calcium products into natural antiseptic adsorbent fillers, in order to meet the needs of the residents' families in anticipation of Covid '19. Matsum City Village 3, Medan City District. USU's community service role is through knowledge sharing activities, the result of collaboration with UMKM Yess as a fostered partner in the campus community service program which has been carried out regularly for 2 years by training partners to use eggshell waste to become calcium. The calcium product is applied to a natural antiseptic adsorbent filler. The resulting innovation has never been carried out by partners before, because so far partners have never collaborated with university researchers. The USU Community Service team also combined calcium with citronella to produce calcium essential oil for the filler. The role of campus community service to Yess MSME partners through knowledge sharing is able to increase partner innovation, especially in encouraging partners to produce various innovative products that are beneficial for the needs of residents in partner subdistricts.