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Upaya Pengembangan Inovasi Teknologi untuk Meningkatkan Produksi dan Mutu Serta Varian Minuman Kopi

  • Alnopri Guru Besar Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Bengkulu, Jalan WR. Supratman Kampus Kandang Lim
Issue       Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Talenta Conference Series: Agricultural and Natural Resources (ANR)
Section       Articles
Keywords: Klon pra-penanaman pemangkasan panen pengolahan Clone pre-planting pruning harvest processing
Published 2023-02-22


Kopi telah dikenal luas di dunia, saat ini komoditas kopi kembali mentereng di pasar global, terlebih kopi dari Indonesia. Permintaan pasar domestik maupun pasar internasional pada akhir-akhir ini terus meningkat, namun pasokan komoditas kopi di kalangan petani belum mampu memenuhi seluruh permintaan pasar. Data yang dihimpun pada Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan menunjukkan luas areal kebun kopi didominasi oleh kebun rakyat, dengan proporsi berkisar 96 %. Permasalahan di hulu hingga hilir pun menjadi kendala dalam menghasilkan kopi baik kuantitas maupun kualitasnya, untuk itu dibutuhkan inovasi teknologi berupa penanaman klon unggul spesifik wilayah, sistem tanam, pemangkasan, petik merah selektif, pengeringan/penjemuran, alat dan mesin pengolahan serta inovasi varian rasa kopi.  


Coffee is known globally. These days, coffee commodities are developing exponentially in the global market, especially, the coffee produced and made in Indonesia. There is a high demand for both domestic and international market. However, the local farmers as suppliers have not been able to meet all market demand. Based on the data collected by Directorate General of Plantations, it shows that the area of coffee plantations is dominated by smallholder plantations, with a proportion of around 96%. The issues regarding the upstream to downstream seen as the factor that affecting the amount and quality of coffee produced. Therefore, there is a need in utilising technological innovation by using planting region-specific superior clones, cropping systems, pruning, selective red picking, drying/drying, processing tools and machines, as well as innovation in the flavours of variant coffee.