Dukungan Inovasi Teknologi Untuk Agribisnis Kakao Berkelanjutan
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Issue | Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Talenta Conference Series: Agricultural and Natural Resources (ANR) | |
Section | Articles | |
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Copyright (c) 2023 Talenta Conference Series: Agricultural and Natural Resources (ANR) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. |
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DOI: | https://doi.org/10.32734/anr.v4i1.1734 | |
Keywords: | kakao teknologi agribisnis berkelanjutan cocoa technology agribusines sustainable | |
Published | 2023-02-22 |
Kakao merupakan komoditas penyegar yang tetap memberikan arti penting bagi perekonomian nasional baik sebagai sumber devisa maupun pendapatan masyarakat petani. Produksi kakao nasional cenderung turun dari waktu ke waktu akibat cekaman lingkungan tumbuh tanaman yang semakin berat sebagai dampak perubahan iklim menyebabkan industri kakao nasional kekurangan pasokan bahan baku. Kesenjangan rantai pasok tersebut dapat diatasi apabila teknologi budidaya kakao produktivitas tinggi dapat diimplementasikan secara masif hingga terjadi peningkatan produksi kakao secara nyata. Tulisan ini mengulas jenis-jenis teknologi yang diperlukan untuk mendukung agribisnis kakao secara berkelanjutan. Teknologi sub sektor hulu meliputi bahan tanam unggul dan cara perbanyakannya, budidaya kakao berkelanjutan, dan sistem penguatan kelembagaan petani beserta sistem transfer teknologi. Sedangkan, pada sub sektor hilir diperlukan dukungan teknologi pengolahan skala industri kecil menengah (IKM) agar petani dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah agribisnis serta menumbuhkan budaya konsumsi cokelat dalam negeri. Strategi penguatan sub sektor hulu maupun sub sektor hilir tersebut melalui penguatan seluruh komponen yang terlibat dalam ekosistem agribisnis kakao dengan peran utama pemerintah sebagai pemangku kepentingan pengembangan komoditas berbasis perkebunan rakyat.
Cocoa is a strategic commodity that continuously gives importance and value to the national economy, both as a source of foreign exchange and income for smallholder farmers. Indonesian cocoa production tends to decrease time by time due to heavier stress of environmental conditions such as the impact of climate change that cocoa growing to be more difficult causing the national cocoa industry has a shortage of raw material supplies. The supply chain gap can be overcome if high-productivity cocoa cultivation technology can be implemented massively so that there is a real increase in production. This paper reviews the types of technology needed to support sustainable cocoa agribusiness. Technology for supporting at the upstream level includes superior planting materials and methods of propagation, sustainable cocoa cultivation, and systems for strengthening farmer institutional and technology transfer, while in the downstream need technology for developing the small-scale enterprise industries (IKM) so that farmers can increase the added value of agribusiness and increase the culture of domestic chocolate consumption. The strategy for strengthening the upstream and downstream is through strengthening all components involved in the cocoa agribusiness ecosystem with the main role of the government as the main stakeholder in the development of smallholder plantation-based commodities.